How often should you change the oil in your car?
Every automobile engine needs oil to function properly. Regular maintenance can keep your vehicle functioning smoothly and can add thousands of extra miles to the life of your vehicle’s engine. But when should the oil be changed in a car is a question that one can always be confused about. While there is no specific answer to that question, modern technology has enabled automobile manufacturers to calculate how many kilometers need to change engine oil for car which can tell you the car engine oil change KM allowing you to smoothly enjoy your car for years to come.

Role of Engine Oil in your car
Changing your car’s oil is a crucial step in making sure the performance of your car stays the same as when you bought it. These oil changes help lubricate the engine, reduce friction, and prevent overheating over time in your car. Adding in engine oil can add years of life to your car and can help you cut back on unforeseen engine repairs by reducing friction engine oil helps minimize the wear and tear done to your vehicle. Failure to change your car’s engine oil can add additional and unwanted costs for car repair.
After how many kilometers should you change the oil
While there is no one size fits all answer to the question one may always wonder which is when should the oil be changed in a car. Automobile manufacturers have estimated that 5,000 – 10,000 KM is the limit after which your car will require an engine oil change. However, that is highly dependent upon the usage of your car as one can exhaust the given limit in a less span of time compared to others. Automobile manufacturers have also incorporated various systems in the car that other than the car engine oil change KM limit can also highlight when your car needs an engine oil replacement by indicating it through various signal lights on your speed-o-meter. This feature allows many drivers across the globe to know when should the oil be changed in a car.

What oil should be used for Gasoline and Diesel engines?
Deciding what oil should be used for a specific engine type is as crucial as deciding when should the oil be changed in a car. Most engine types will work with any engine oil however, it is advised to only use engine oil that your automobile manufacturer has advised. However, if you need to add a different oil the rule of thumb is to add one that specifies the engine type it works for as diesel engines need a higher viscosity and different additive levels than gasoline engines thus adding in a gasoline oil will not provide an optimal level of performance. While gasoline engines can make gasoline emission systems become clogged with diesel oil additives that are not meant for the system after the car engine oil change KM limit has been reached.
To stay ahead of maintenance, it is advised to keep an eye on the level of engine oil once a month of your car this will help you identify the level of oil even if the sensors of your car malfunction allowing you to identify car engine oil change KM limit before it has been reached. Furthermore, if your car has not been used it is still advised to keep it maintained as oils can break over time, so driving a car is not the only factor in deciding when should the oil be changed in a car but also the duration of the oil changes do also play in a huge role.
After how many kilometers need to change engine oil for car?
5,000 – 10,000 KM driven is the minimum limit for a car to get the oil changed. However for more details please visit the dealership of the company your car is manufactured by.
What are the benefits of changing engine oil?
Engine oil changes help lubricate the engine, reduce friction, and prevent overheating over time in your car which can save you costs incurred on unforeseen repairs due to lack of engine oil in your car.
I have not driven my car to 5,000 KM, do I still need an engine oil change?
Yes! Even if you have not driven your car and rarely use it you still need to get an engine oil replacement as over years engine oil can break down and can cause the performance of your car to decline.
What engine oil should I use for my car?
Engine oil advised by the manufacturer of your car should be used. If you do need to use different engine oil, use the one that is supported by your engine type.